Running out of cheque leaves? Here’s what you need to do in order to get an instant or emergency chequebook. You can get your SBI chequebook instantly. Some called it instant chequebooks and bankers called it contingent cheques.
Before the present-day MICR cheques existed, banks used to issue chequebooks manually. It was before the core banking service that banks were totally manual. With the advent of the core banking system in the banking sector, many things were upgraded and changes were made toward better and more secure ways of transactions. Cheques were one such thing that got improvised better.

What is an instant cheque or contingent cheque?
When you are out of cheque leaves, you normally apply by filling in the application forms. Bank issue you specific numbers of leaves and their issuing branch will send you by post. Normally it takes a week or so to get it delivered to your registered address.
But instant cheques are those which can be availed instantly over the counter from your home branch. You may get 10 leaves, 20 leaves or 25 leaves, as per the availability at the branch.
For emergency purposes, only banks keep reserves of these types of instruments. It comes in cheque types 31, 30, 29 etc. 31 Is for individual savings bank accounts, 30 is meant for cash credit accounts and 29 is meant for a business current account.
Demerits of instant cheques
It is not a personalized cheque, which means your name and account number will not be pre-printed. There will be a provision for writing your account number and your signature.
You will get less number of leaves, unlike when you order personalized cheques you may get more than 50 leaves per booklet. Up to 1000 leaves can be ordered.
Your cheques may get bounce when presented for clearing as it is a non-personalized cheques. It may not be accepted for a third party through clearing or non-home branch transactions.
This cheque will be operable only at the home branch.
When you need a few cheque leaves for a certain type of transaction, then it is quite handy as you would get it instantly over the counter.
But you should always make a contingent plan. If your cheque is about to exhaust, better apply before you run out of it. If you have availed of instant cheques, it would be wise if you apply along with the personalized cheques too.
The Difference Between Personalised Cheques and Emergency Cheques
Personalised cheques are those cheques that are customised for you in your name and linked with your bank account. In personalised cheques, your name and account number will be pre-printed. This form of chequebook is flexible in its uses and you can negotiate with them in various forms of payments.
Whereas emergency cheques or instant cheques fall under non-personalised cheques in which your name and account number are not pre-printed. Linking account numbers with the chequebook is done at the local level. Though it’s a MICR cheque with all the details, their uses are quite limited. It is devised in such a manner for use in emergency purposes hence the name emergency cheques.
Also, read how to put stop payment of cheques
The best is to rely on Internet banking
Yes! That’s right. The best of all is Internet banking. You should not rely on cheques for fund transfers when you could literally do all kinds of transactions over an Internet banking platform.
Why it is best? There are many reasons why it’s better than using cheques.
Here are some of the main reasons why you should rely on Internet banking rather than using cheques
1 | Cheques book will cost you a few bucks. SBI levies ₹3 to ₹5 per cheque leave although there are 20 to 50 leaves free per year depending on the type of account. |
2 | There is no such thing as a bounce when it comes to Internet banking unlike cheques which attract a loss of goodwill as well as cheque bounce due to insufficient funds is a criminal offence. |
3 | Less time-consuming, reliable and available 24/7. |
4 | More secure as it will be done by you only. |
Though online banking is far preferable, holding a chequebook is indispensable for some tasks such as for the verification of your account details some agencies might ask for cancelled cheques.
Not only this, if you want to avail loan from the bank, they may ask for post-dated cheques for future contingency.
Likewise, there are a number of other benefits for which you should definitely have a cheque. So, do not shy away while applying for your chequebook. Even if you do not use it, it’s recommended to have at least a booklet of it.
Else, you know how to apply instant chequebook. But remember its uses are limited and it is meant for home branch transactions only.
How to Track Cheque Book Status in SBI
When you have applied for a chequebook either online or by visiting the bank, it takes a few days to get it delivered to your registered address. It is seen that the delivery period is between 5 days to 10 days depending on the area covered by the postal services.
In cities and metropolitan towns, you can expect it within 5 days but in the outskirts of towns, it may take a while to get it. Nevertheless, if you are not getting any update regarding the status of the chequebook, you can make an enquiry about it in many ways.
Enquiries on the Post Office Speed Post tracking site are one of the best ways to address the issue. All you need is a speedpost tracking number. This tracking number is usually sent to you by the bank when your chequebook is dispatched successfully from the issuing branch.
If you are not having the tracking number, you can visit any nearby SBI branch and enquire about the chequebook status. Either you can get the status of its whereabouts or you can have the tracking number for future reference.
So, to track your chequebook status in SBI, you have the following options-
1. If you are having the speedpost tracking number, well, you can check the status and whereabouts of the cheque on the India Postal speedpost tracking site. |
2. If the tracking number is not with you, visit any nearby SBI branch and seek assistance, they may be able to provide you with the exact location the cheque has been delivered. |
3. When you have SBI Online Banking, you can do a lot of banking transaction and enquiries. Chequebook status enquiry is one such thing that is available on a bank’s internet banking. Login with your user credential and find the details of your chequebook instantly. |
Why Your SBI Chequebook is Not Delivered to You
We do wonder what went wrong. Why your SBI chequebook is not delivered in time? Or even returned undelivered? What might be the reason for all these unfortunate events?
There is no specific reason. One of the reasonable reasons may be the postman is unable to find your address or it could be the wrong or partial address printed on the envelope. Another reason may be your account needs to update KYC.
If such is the case, your chequebook will get returned to the issuing branch.
And at a later stage, it will be forwarded back to your home branch where certain formalities such as chequebook return charges will be debited against the bank account. Bank will alert you about your chequebook being returned undelivered. You may visit the bank and collect it at the earliest possible else the bank may dispose of the instrument after a certain period of time.
Emergency cheques or instant cheques, are for emergency use only. These cheques are usually not for payment to other parties. Banks usually supply the cheques for self-use only. If you intend to give someone a cheque, you have to use the personalised cheque.
A personalised cheque can be ordered in many ways. You can order through SBI Online Banking as well as by requesting the bank. Either way, it may take a while to get it delivered to you. The expectation period may vary from 5 days to 10 days depending on the postal services around your area.
Tracking SBI chequebook status is never this easy. You have got both online trackings as well as tracking vis bank visits.
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