SBI ATM error codes

ATM cards are one of the best things banks have given us. Without it, our daily lives would be different. Every time we need money or want to pay someone, we have to visit the bank. ATM cards have given us the freedom to make various payments both online and offline.

With its multiple benefits, it’s going to be one of the best financial tools for all generations, and as you know, while using it, we sometimes face problems and issues. To know what is going on with your ATM card, you must know a few common ATM codes that indicate the status of your ATM transaction.

For example, ATM code 000 means a successful transaction, 051 means an expired card, or 053 means you have entered the wrong PIN. There are several ATM error codes you get to see while cashing out money at an ATM booth. 

As customers or users of SBI ATM cards, we sometimes get confused and helpless if we are in a place where reaching out to a bank is not possible at all. Although you could use the customer helpline if you wish. But knowing a few ATM codes would ease your use of an ATM card.

The various error codes of SBI ATM transactions, along with their troubleshooting, have been mentioned in the tables below. If such things occur, we hope these charts help you understand them properly.

SBI ATM error codes

Error CodeReasonWhat you need to do
000            Successful Successful Transaction
001The technical issue of the ATM.Try after some time or go to another ATM booth.
050Unauthorised usageContact your home branch
051Expired CardBetter apply for a new card right away
052For new card 
The Cardholders authorization file is not refreshed 
Contact your home branch
053Wrong PIN enteredYou’ve got to enter the correct PIN
054Positive Balance File not updatedPurely technical issue. Try after sometime
055Ineligible TransactionPurely technical issue. Try after sometime
056If a/c linked to card is Savings bank a/cTry using the Fast cash option. Or select the
right type of a/c. If it doesn’t work visit the home branch
057If a/c linked to card is Current a/cTry using the Fast cash option. Or select the
right type of a/c. If it doesn’t work visit the home branch
058Insufficient funds no amountNo balance available
059Insufficient fundsTry for a lesser amount 
060Usage limit exceededTry again the next day.
061Withdrawal limit exceededTry again the next day.
062Wrong PIN try exceeded &
card blocked temporarily
Enter the correct PIN after 24 hours.
063Withdrawal limit already reachedTry again the next day.
064Card is damaged or card data corruptedYou will need a new card, apply it.
070System ErrorTechnical error, try another ATM booth.
072Destination not availableContact your home branch.
073Routing ProblemTechnical error, try another ATM booth.
076Dormant AccountYour account is dormant, visit your 
branch and activate your account.
077Account is lockedYour account is locked, visit your 
branch and activate your account.
078Inoperative AccountYour account is inoperative, visit your 
branch and activate your account.
079Card data & CDC data mismatchTechnical error, contact your branch 
to resolve the issue.
082Card is damaged or card data corruptedYou will need a new card, apply it.
089Acquirer limit exceedYou need to try lesser amount say ₹10000
093Minor AccountContact your home branch.
094Insufficient balanceYou need to try a lesser amount.
095Insufficient funds, MOD funds existYou need to try a lesser amount.
096Check limit expiry date Or Check sweep flagContact your home branch.
150Card is blockedContact your home branch.

You may also refer to the other table which we have listed below. 

Error CodesReasonWhat you need to do
-1No data found in databaseTechnical error, contact your home branch.
004Capture card/ Pick upTechnical error, contact your home branch.
005Do not honourTechnical errors, contact your home branch.
006PIN data not availableContact your home branch.
007Pick up special conditionsContact your home branch.
012Invalid transactionContact your home branch.
013Invalid amountYou need to try a lesser amount.
014Invalid card numberContact your home branch.
015Unknown issuer on SwitchTechnical error, contact your home branch.
030Format errorTechnical error, contact your home branch.
033               Expired cardYou will need a new card, apply it.
036Restricted/Blocked cardYou will need a new card, apply it.
040Function not supportedTry after some time or go to another ATM booth.
041Lost card pick upContact your home branch.
042Invalid accountContact your home branch.
043Stolen card pick upContact your home branch.
051Not sufficient fundsCheck the balance before doing the transaction.
052No chequing accountWrong account selection. Select the correct account for the transaction.
053No savings accountWrong account selection. Select the correct account for the transaction.
054Expired cardYou will need a new card, apply for it.
055Incorrect PINEnter the correct PIN.
061Exceed withdrawal amount limitCheck the balance before doing the transaction.
062Restricted cardContact your home branch.
063Security violationContact your home branch.
065Exceed withdrawal frequency limitTry again the next day.
066Capture cardContact your home branch.
067Hard cardContact your home branch.
068Response received too lateTechnical error try again after some time.
070Transaction cancelled due to hardware errorTechnical error go to other ATM.
071FP authentication failedFee payment failure, try after some time.
072RBI mandate, can not withdraw beyond
₹10000 in one transaction
You have to try a lesser amount.
075Allowable PIN tries exceededTry again the next day.
089Unavailable cut-off reconciliation 
with member
Go to other ATM.
091Issuer switch unavailable PIN block
missing routing not found
Technical error try again after some time.
094Duplicate transactionContact your home branch.
096System malfunction, Database error from FNSTechnical error, contact your home branch.
099Time out from switchTechnical error, contact your home branch.
162Cash problemYou have to try a lesser amount.
1000Supply low cash dispenseYou have to try a lesser amount.
4100ReversalYou have to try again after some time.

When things are not going your way, you need to act smart. Likewise, if your SBI ATM card is not working, you may choose SBI YONO cash. 

SBI YONO cash is a cardless ATM transaction that can be initiated through the SBI YONO app. Try it out, you will love it. 

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